Sunday, December 14, 2008

Every Rupee Counts !!!

Today I went to a Hair Saloon at IIM B campus for the first time. I am surprised to find an empty shop, after sometime a fellow came & asked me to sit down on the chair. I saw the rates of cutting & shaving as Rs 30 & 15 resp. I asked him for cutting an shaving which will cost me Rs 45. He lazily started with his job with lots of yawns in between. After the shaving is over he even forget to apply after shave lotion which I have to remind him. I handed over a Rs 100 note to him which he took & handed me back a Rs 50 note. I stood there for some time waiting him to give me back the remaining Rs 5 but it never came to me. I am forced to ask him to give me the balance Rs 5 to which to my utter dismay he gave me a dirty look as if I have commited a sin asking for the balance. He said "Rs 5 not a Big Deal" to which I replied "I believe in closing every deal with fairness what-so-ever small it may be". I don't believe he has done anything extra to charge a premium. To this he replied "Nobody does". This let me think about somebody who told me that Bangalore is 2nd most costliest city in India after Mumbai. Why does inflation have more effect on 1 region than another ? Why the difference between percieved rate of an service or a product & the actual rate differed widely across geographical locations. From Barauni in Bihar to Bangalore in Karnataka the difference is huge. People are dying out of Hunger in India but well-to-do people in our society are wasting their excess money & encourage corruption by giving Tips & not collecting Rs 5 back in my case. I compare this with corruption as it is leading to exchange of money outside the view & knowledge of general public to gain certain favourable services... It is more valuable to donate excess part of disposable income in charity funds that will help in bringing up the life of several destitutes in India... If we want to see an Incredible India free of poverty we must follow the mantra that "Every Rupee Counts"